Typography - "Loud"

  • Size - By using large letters bursting off the page, the viewer is overwhelmed by the word as they would be by a loud noise. 
  • Shape - I used a really simple sans-serif font. Personally, I think a simple font with bright colors is a more childish kind of loud, something that is just allows the viewer to easily read and get the effect of the word. A more ostentatious font that would've required the viewer to decipher the word before getting it's effect.
  •  Color - I wanted this to feel jarring and a little childish. I tried as best as I could to achieve Day-Glo style colors, which look okay save for the green. 
  • Orientation - By orienting the words diagonally and off the page, it "yells" in the face of the viewer. As I've said before, I wanted this design to be simple yet overwhelming. The blurred and shaky repetitions of loud evoke the feeling of instability, like when speakers are so loud they shake the furniture and floor.
  •  Background - The black background provides a dramatic contrast to the bright letters, to further shock and overwhelm the viewer.  


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